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SEO in a Nutshell May 7, 2007

Posted by curtjen in eCommerce, SEO.

The best ways, really, to drive traffic to your site are: 1. Sell a product that there is a demand for and not a lot of competition. And 2. Use keywords and keyword phrases to optimize your site where search engines can find you. You can do this by: selecting good keywords that people are searching for; submitting to directories using good keywords; leave comments on blogs and other public sites; submit articles to article websites; and use your keywords in the text of your site (your text should be 20% keywords). All the while putting links to your site in these keywords. This will create backlinks to your site and will boost your search engine popularity. That is why keyword research is so important.


1. Seo Красавчег - May 28, 2007

I think the best way to drive traffic is : good seo webmaster, which can buy traffic for young site in google sandbox and convet traffic to good money. A lot of competition is not a problem as for me 😉 Use Black Seo!

2. curtjen - May 28, 2007

Thanks for your comment. Yes, that would work, but the tactics I’m talking about cost little to nothing to do. These are strategies of getting your traffic the right way; the way search engines like it. If you optimize your site correctly, you don’t have to pay for a program or pay somebody to get to the top of the search engines. You choose keywords that have a high demand, and low competition, and optimize your site using those keywords and keyword phrases. This is what works the best and for the least amount of money. It’s all about education.

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